2nd CEORL-HNS Course Report

The second course of the CEORL-HNS Academy was held on April 12th and 13th, 2024 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

The Confederation of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (CEORL-HNS) decided to launch the Academy as a part of its educational activity. The Academy is tasked with improving and updating knowledge and skills among European ORL-HNS residents and young specialists according to European standards and modern guidelines and aiding in their preparation for the local and international exams. Besides this educational task, the Academy's mission is to gather young people from all around Europe in a spirit of friendship and raise awareness of belonging to the same community of European otorhinolaryngologists – head and neck surgeons.
As the first Course of the Academy organized in Zagreb on March 2023 was very successful we were encouraged to organize the second Academy Course.

The second course was organized in collaboration with the Croatian Society of ORL-HNS and the coordinator was Tomislav Baudoin. It was held on the campus of the University of Dubrovnik. Seventy-five participants from 22 European countries were registered. The course was led by 14 moderators, three from Croatia and the UK, and one from Luxembourg, Czechia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and France.

The concept of the course was “problem-based learning”, where moderators interactively with participants passed through 25 ORL-HNS cases. Participants were divided into five groups of 15 participants and 5 rooms. The course ended with a guided city tour and a get-together party.

The second CEORL-HNS Academy fulfilled its tasks in the professional and the social program, what was confirmed by the survey filled out by the participants.

CEORL-HNS plans to establish the CEORL-HNS Academy organising the courses at least once per year. The third Course will be organized in 2025.

2nd CEORL HNS Course Report | DOWNLOAD (PDF)