Useful information

Useful info when traveling to Croatia

A passport or some other identification document recognized by international agreements is needed.
Information: Diplomatic missions of the Republic of Croatia abroad or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic Croatia:
It is your responsibility to check if you need a visa for entering Croatia. Please check for details at the Croatian Embassy or Consulate in your country. No visa is required for nationals of the USA and EC.

Currently there are five GSM operators offering the GSM service in Croatia.
T-Mobile operating under +385 98 xxxxxx and +385 99 xxxxxx.
A1 operating under +385 91 xxxxxx.
TELE2 operating under +385 95 xxxxxx.
Tomato operating under +385 92 xxxxxx.
Bonbon operating under +385 97 xxxxxx.
Please contact your local GSM operator to check the availability and the costs of roaming services.

Country code: (+/00) 385
Area code (Dubrovnik): (0)20
Police: 192
Fire-fighting center: 193
Emergency: 194
Time check: 18095
Information local calls: 18981
General information service: 18981
Information national and international calls: 11802
Wake-up calls: 18100
Roadside vehicle assistance: 1987
Wheather forecast: 18166

Banks and post offices are normally open from 7:00 or 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 or 8:00 p.m.
Non-Governmental offices work from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Most grocery stores and department stores are open non-stop, from 6:00 or 7:30 a.m. to 7.30 or 8:00 p.m.

CURRENCY & EXCHANGE              
The basic Croatian currency unit is the Euro, made up of 100 Cents. Foreign currency can be exchanged for local money at banks, post offices and exchange offices, according to the valid rates of exchange. Visit the exchange office on the Web for valid exchange rates.

All major credit cards are normally accepted throughout Croatia, as advertised at points of sale, such as: American Express, Diners Club, Euro card/Master card, Visa, JCB, and Eurocheques. Traveler's Cheques are also accepted.

TAX FREE               
Foreigners can claim a sales tax refund within one year for purchased goods. Don't forget to aks the salesman to fill out the tax refund form when purchasing goods.

220 V, 50 Hz

TIME ZONE           
Central European Time (CET).     

Public telephone boxes accept only phone cards available from newspaper stands and post offices.

Non-smoking event.

Tap water is drinkable in all parts of Croatia.

Customs Administration of the Republic of Croatia: